Moving towards a more resilient community.


  • Need a Hazard Mitigation Plan that meets FEMA’s most recent standards? Or maybe you just need support writing part of the Plan? Our approach is flexible and we believe in partnering with a community to write their plan.

  • Want to better understand how climate change will impact your community or organization? Our approach translates difficult to understand downscaled global parameters into impacts and actions that consider your needs.

  • Does your community have environmental justice concerns? Our Team can help apply for grant opportunities, develop social vulnerability assessments, conduct neighborhood meetings, and identify mitigative measures.

  • Our Geographic Information System (GIS) specialists develop maps, conduct analysis, and create storymaps and other web-based products.

  • Our personnel have been using Hazus for decades and understand how to complete an advanced flood, hurricane, earthquake, and tsunami Hazus analysis including inventory updates.

More about our company

Headquartered in Lynchburg, Virginia, Community Resilience Consulting is a small business with an extensive consultant network bringing together experts to tackle your community and organization risks.