Environmental Justice - Creating Resilience in Communities Still Impacted by Systemic Racism.

How Can We Support Your Community?

  • Conduct Vulnerability Assessment

    Does my community have high rates of poverty in certain neighborhoods? Are environmental and natural hazards impacting specific groups of people? What kinds of health issues occur in my community?

    Community Resilience Consulting works with data from the U.S. Census - Decennial and American Community Survey, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), local parcel and building information, EPA toxic release inventory, and hazard areas to help develop a vulnerability assessment.

  • Facilitate Neighborhood Meetings

    How can I get maximum public participation at meetings? What is the role of neighborhood captains? What is the best way to get feedback from participants?

    Community Resilience Consulting can identify the venue and time to help ensure the public and stakeholders participate. Our technical experts develop maps and graphics to help communicate risk.

  • Integrate Solutions into Existing Plans and Programs

    Once solutions have been identified, how do you implement them? Is there funding available to pay for the improvements? What existing plans and programs are in place to help move forward with the community-approved solutions?

    Community Resilience Consulting has worked with communities across the U.S. to help them implement projects and procedures identified and supported by the environmental justice communities. We also understand what grants are available to help fund these projects.