Climate Change - How Will a Changing Environment Impact Your Community or Organization?

How Can We Help?

  • Understanding Climate Change

    How do you take global downscaled climate data and make local decisions? What temperatures will we experience in the future? Future rainfall probabilities? Future sea-level rise?

    Community Resilience Consulting will use the latest climate data to provide your community or organization customized climate indicators to help show what to expect.

  • Integrating Climate Change Into Hazard Impacts

    How will future flooding change in my community? Who will be impacted by extreme heat, drought, and storm events? What are the economic risks to my business due to climate change?

    Community Resilience Consulting understands how to integrate climate data into hazard models to help predict impacts to your community or organization.

  • Identifing Adaptation

    What actions can I take to lessen the impacts of climate change? Are there programs to help pay for adaptation? What are the benefits and costs to adapt?

    Community Resilience Consulting will help you identify appropriate adaptation responses to your climate risks and create an implementation plan.